Personal introduction

Welcome to my website.

About me

I am a master’s student at the National University of Defense Technology, and I am very interested in how to use large models more efficiently and how to solve problems using Multi-Agent architecture.

Currently, my research focuses on AIOps, which involves using data-driven approaches and AI to automate IT operation tasks such as log analysis and incident management. Hope to communicate more with you.


2019.6-2023.6 B.S. in Software Engineering, School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology

2023.9-2026.6 (expected) Master of Science in Software Engineering, School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology

Lab & Supervisor

At present, I am studying in State key laboratory of parallel and distributed processing(PDL), and the supervisor is Academician Huaimin Wang, and at the same time, Professor Dawei Feng provides specific guidance with great patience ♥.